237 years, it's amazing to look back and think of all the history in that time. The wars, the Soldiers, the sacrifices, the Fallen, the families, regulations and manuals, weapons and ammo. A culture that has become a lifestyle for many, with its own traditions and language. But one thing hasn't changed, the backbone of those in uniform.
The Soldier has consistently stood for freedoms, not just for those in the United States, but in countries that many people had never heard of, on missions that most don't know exist. They have provided the opportunity to live in democracy, to say what you feel, to have a mind of your own. Countries that have told the USA to stay out, whose people have fought our Soldiers, have not deterred the mission of Soldiers to provide a better life for them.
Many, too many, have made the ultimate sacrifice for a cause they believe in. They fought so others didn't have to, but often they left behind families - mothers and fathers, spouses and their children. Some of them will never know their Soldier because their Soldier perished before they were born or had a chance to meet them.
For 237 years, it has been easy for those who have never worn the uniform or loved someone in the uniform to judge how they may have handled a situation or that they 'choose' to leave their family for a year or more at a time. They have protested at the funerals of our Fallen and said hateful things, but these military professionals still get up in the morning and don the uniform and face an enemy to protect those back home and to continue providing the freedom to protest.
Some may never understand why anyone would join the Army (or any other branch of service). But for every Soldier there is a story; a desire to serve, a college education, a way off the streets. And although some come and stand in the ranks for a short period of time, they are forever a veteran. An individual who at one point in time wrote a blank check to the citizens of the United States for an amount up to their life to ensure that the freedoms our founding fathers set forth, will continue to be the ideals that their children are able to enjoy.
To the Army, Happy 237th Birthday, here's to so many more!
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