Monday, September 2, 2013

Some days it's easy...

Recently, I sat down after having one of the rougher days during this deployment so far.  It was more of a way of just venting at the moment, but it was shared and shared - as of right I've shown, it was shared 29 times on Facebook.  I thought since it had touched a spot with so many that I would share on here as well.  I don't always have the best words to describe how I'm feeling, but this is one night that I guess the words fit. 

Some days it’s easy…
It’s easy to take for granted the other half of your bed being warm when you don’t know how it feels for it be cold for so many nights on end.
It’s easy to take for granted your spouse being at your child’s birthday party when they are there for every one of them.
It’s easy to take for granted that shoulder being there just at the right time when there are so many times tears fall while you are all alone because he’s gone.
It’s easy to take for granted making plans for next weekend when you are so used to him being sent away for weeks at a time with only a day or two notice.
It’s easy to stay connected to your children when you aren’t attempting to do it through a computer screen from half a world away.
It’s easy to forget there are still troops overseas when it isn’t someone you know or love.
It’s easy to go about your day and complain about the simplest things when so many are struggling to just get through to that ‘one day closer’.
It’s easy to explain a parent being gone for a normal day at work when you aren’t explaining to a toddler that when he says goodbye to hug tight because he isn’t going to see daddy for a long while.
It’s easy to get irritated when you call your spouse and they don’t answer when you don’t know what it’s like to not be able to just pick up the phone and hear their voice.
It’s easy to say we chose this life when you have never walked a day in our shoes. Or understand that our soldiers sacrifice a warm bed, everyday life, and milestones in our children’s life so that the general population can have those every day moments with their families.

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