Sunday, September 15, 2013

A 'normal' birthday

Two different locations, two different timezones, heck, during part of my son's birthday celebration our family was in two different days.  For most, this is an extreme abnormal thing, but for military families - this has become the norm.  The normal birthday, anniversary, first day of school, Christmas.  This list could go on and on.  But that normal birthday has become normal because of those families ability to adapt.

For our little family, separations are nothing new.  My husband and I have been apart more than we have been together in the almost six years we have been married.  In that time, he's been home for one of my birthdays, oh and that one happened to fall on a night there was an Army function.  Such is the life though.

Today hit a little closer to the heart though.  My husband and I are fully capable of still communicating and somewhere celebrating our special occasions when he is gone.  My son, who just turned two, is a little more difficult.  He loves getting to see daddy and we were blessed that he was able to Skype during the early part of his birthday party today.  But as it was time to tell daddy goodbye, I tried to hold back my tears as my little guy told him night, night and blew him kisses.

This was the first of many 'big' events that daddy will be missing over the next months on this go around.  I think it goes back to the old thought process that separations, TDYs, deployments never get any easier - you just learn a different way to live, you take advantage of the moments you have without him because you know he is sacrificing for those moments and each day you are thankful for the blessings you have been given.

Thankful for those that lend a helping hand, those who say a prayer for our troops, those who are your sounding boards when you've had a rough day.  Thankful to those who help you make the most of that 'one day closer'.

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