Tuesday, January 1, 2013

A new year

I think this is the time of year that everyone tries to come up with a resolution - something attainable, but something that we can be proud of for keeping up with.  I'm no different. 

In the last year, I had started working again after a little over a year off between my medical retirement and having a baby.  My photography business also took off.  The combination of the two kept me extremely busy and left little time for doing things I enjoyed and spending quality time with my family. 

After finding out we were expecting our second child, my back started bothering me so badly that I had to quit my job, but I had stuck with doing my photography.  As I became more and more busy every month, I was giddy.  Making something I loved into a business was a dream come true, but then a few weeks ago I had a dose of reality.

Although I love doing my photography, just like anything else you make into a business - it becomes work and the more you push yourself to accommodate everyone, the less time you have for yourself and the things in life that are truly important.  Don't get me wrong, I'm not giving up my business - I'm just slowing down a little. 

In the last two weeks, I have focused time on my family as my husband had just returned from one TDY and then today he left again.  This is going to be a harsh reality of our 2013, as there are many temporary duties on the calendar already which has the end result of a deployment that's coming up much too soon. 

As I look back at the last two weeks, we have had a chance to regroup, to spend much needed time together and opportunities to laugh and just have fun.  There really haven't been any schedules or requirements to be anywhere at a certain time.  It's just been us.  So for the coming year, that's what my schedule is going to look more like.  More time to play with my son, more time to cuddle with my husband (when he's here) and more time to just simply enjoy the moment. 

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