Friday, May 11, 2012

Military Spouse Appreciation Day

What is a military spouse?  Although it seems like a term that we all hear on a regular basis and don't seem to think much of - this term is much like the term mom.  It is used on a regular basis and most of the time it tends to be thrown around without really thinking about all that is wrapped up in that one small term. 

A military spouse may be a parent and on many days they are both parents, they encompass all the terms that already come with being a parent.  They are resilient and strong.  They have become professional movers and administrative assistants. They are financial planners and keep track of their soldiers LES, which I've learned that most married soldiers don't know how to get into anymore.  They deal with the bad and celebrate the good.  They help with unit fundraisers and change their own oil.  They mow their yard and shovel snow.  They go to school and volunteer.  Often times they work on top of everything else.  They are a listening ear when their soldier needs to vent.  They know the regulations, many times better than their soldier. 

They are there when those in dress uniform make the slow walk to their front door.  They are there to support those spouses as they deal with the grief.  They maintain the homefires, they stand besides their wounded warrior.

They wear no uniform, but to think they don't serve would be inaccurate beyond words.  For they serve by standing proudly with their soldier when they are here and supporting them from afar when they are away.  They serve by helping their wounded warrior learn how to walk again and by the tears that soak into the flag that drapes their soldiers casket.

These spouses seem to get overshadowed by their soldier in uniform from time to time, but they don't complain because they are proud of their soldier and they are proud to serve their country in the silent ranks....

Today as Military Spouse Appreciation Day is celebrated and every other day, these spouses and their sacrifice needs to be remembered!

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