One thing that I really enjoyed while I was in was working with soldiers. After I got out I struggled with what to in order to fill that 'void'. Tuesday night was my birthday, the first one that my husband and I had been able to spend together since we have been married. We had something a little different happen that night though. My hubby had kept it a secret and just let on that it was an Army function. When I got there that night it ended up being volunteer recognition ceremony. Throughout the course of the evening I received the bronze level (over 100 volunteer hours) President's Volunteer Award and the Battalion Volunteer of the Quarter Award, but there was another award that really meant a lot. While you are still wearing the uniform there is a soldier award that is given to recogize soldiers who spend time volunteering. It was submitted before I was retired and it was pending when my DD214 was completed, but after I got out it never was finished. Well, my hubby and his LT got all the paperwork together and submitted it through the current chain of command. So Tuesday, I was presented with a MOVSM (Military Outstanding Voluteer Service Medal). It meant so much that my husband had worked so hard to make sure I received this award because it was something that was really important to me. That was also the last time I will ever be called SSG (Staff Sergeant) King in an kind of official capacity. My mom was able to be there and it was the one and only time she will ever see me presented with a military medal. It was the perfect way to celebrate my one year since retirement.
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