Monday, November 5, 2012

God works in mysterious ways

There are some days that just remind you of how true the phrase 'God works in mysterious ways' really is.  Today is the three year anniversary of the shooting at Fort Hood. 

Shortly after hearing about the shooting, my first thought went to a soldier of mine who was in Afghanistan.  His dad was a senior ranking officer at Fort Hood at the time and did most of the coordinating for events such as where the shooting had taken place.  At the time, no information had been released as far as names of casualties or the specifics as far as what had taken place.  I tried contacting his family to confirm everything was okay and see if there was anything they needed from me as far as getting in touch with their soldier (at the time I had just shifted from downrange to the Rear D). 

It took over a day to finally reach one of the family members that told me that their dad was safe.  That he hadn't been there when the shooting happened, but had been a first responder.  There was only one reason he hadn't been there... the soldier forward who always waited until he knew his dad would be off work to call him, hadn't waited that late that day.  There wasn't any particular reason he didn't something off schedule that day, just thought he would give his dad a call.

That call made all the difference.  Since he was on the phone with his son, he had been a few minutes late getting to the building.  His dad then became a first responder trying to help those who were wounded. 

In the weeks that followed, names were released and more information was posted about this individual who had turned a gun on those in the same uniform he wore.  No amount of explanation can ever make me understand that thought process - but I continue to remember those lost that day and the reminder that God has a plan that we may not always understand.

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