A few weeks ago there was a post by a military spouse talking about how Guard spouses weren't really military spouses. I didn't read the whole thing because it just irritated me.
I know when I was in the military and you came across people who were from other branches there was joking that went back and forth with comments such as the 'chair force' instead of the Air Force, etc. Although I tend to be partial to Active Duty Army Aviation Enlisted (that might be because my husband falls in this category and so did I when I was a soldier), there are unique aspects and challenges to each part of the military.
Active military has the challenges of moving on a regular basis and not ever really setting roots. Additionally, outside of deployments there are often time more temporary duty assignments that send our service members somewhere. At the same point in time, we often find ourselves immersed in a community of other military families who understand what a deployment truly means or know that shopping at the commissary on a Sunday isn't a good idea.
Guard and Reserve families have a much different atmosphere. They find themselves living in a community that is full of their friends and family members and support, but who most the time have no understanding of what they are going through. Sympathy is something they receive most of the time versus the empathy active spouses receive.
With this being said, anytime a service member is away - the military spouse - whether active or guard, Marines or Army, enlisted or officer all find themselves in a unique position. They become both parents, maintain the household, answer the questions of when mommy or daddy is coming home, deal with the questions from those who don't fully understand - and most the times when you see them out in public you won't be able to see any difference between them and any other person you come across. There is one huge difference though - although they don't wear a uniform, they are the support that allows the service member to wear their uniform and the person who keeps the home fires burning, they are some of the strongest individuals I have ever met and the ones who are there to pick you up when you have a bad day. That being said - I don't care one bit whether you are a Navy spouse or a Air Force spouse, whether you are Guard or active - we stand in the same silent ranks who love and support our service members unconditionally.
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